Thursday 17 February 2011

Happiest Toddler Parents TV - For Mom

He's advocating relating to your child at their level. It doesn't help to use your PhD words if they're screaming and crying. He's talking about validating your child by acknowledging their feelings, then providing direction. I wouldn't lay next to a child while they tantrum as it reinforces negative behavior. I would go straight to the acknowledgment of feelings and then ignore. BTW, you don't have time NOT to practice good parenting.

I read this book and yeah you do feel stupid at first doing the technics but I have never been so blown away in my life. My 2 yr grandbaby would have major meltdowns if she was tired and I tried exactly what he says to do an it works so well!! Its amazing and I wish I read this book a long time ago. It totally explains how toddlers think about things and I'm so glad I read this book. If you just try it I promise time with your baby -thru 5yr old will be so much more fun an relaxing!!! Try it!!

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